

"Licence" or "License"?

If you're British, use licence for the noun (i.e., papers, a permit) but license for the verb (i.e., to allow, to give permission).

Learning English Without Boundary

2015年6月23日 — License 和Licence 的差異簡單來說License 是美國在用,而Licence 為加拿大,英國,澳洲,南非,紐西蘭等曾為英屬殖民國家使用(名詞).

Licence or License

If you live anywhere that speaks English or are writing for a UK, Australian, Canadian, etc. audience, then “licence” is the noun, and “license” is the verb.

Licence vs license

LICENCE vs LICENSE: they sound the same but their meanings are different. These simple spelling tips will help you remember the difference.

Licence vs License

2022年9月6日 — Well, it depends on which side of the pond you're on. If you're American, license is both a noun and a verb, and licence is not used at all.

Licence Vs License

Furthermore, license refers to both as a verb and noun in the United States. However, when people live in other English speaking nations, they may spell the ...

Licence vs License? Spelling Rule Simply Explained

2018年10月1日 — If you live in any other English-speaking country, you will spell it licence when you use it as a noun and license when you use it as a verb.


An average business has up to four permits or licenses, with some having as many as ten. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. The existence of such ties makes the ...

The difference between licence & license

The pair licence/license are often confused. Licence is the noun and license is the verb. You can remember this by: (a) lining them up beside advice/advise ...

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ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔


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免費圖庫懶人包:19 個精選免費圖庫網站
